SHMS Annual Golf Day 2018

Every year at SHMS we like to hold an Annual Golf Day – this year’s took place on Friday, July 6th. Co-hosted by our friends at R F Fixing Ltd and S Courtney Contractors, this involved a day starting with bacon sandwiches, 18 holes of Stableford golf, drinks and dinner at Skylark Golf & Country Club, Whiteley. Having held our previous golf days at Skylark it’s a venue we love for its scenery and grounds. Of course, the fantastic food they put on afterwards and its close proximity to our offices help also!
Despite spending our Friday out in nearly 30 degree heat, we had a great time catching the sun and enjoying the sport – even managing to watch some of the France vs Uruguay World Cup Quarter Final in the bar afterwards! A great day out socialising, networking and golfing was followed by an evening spent in the bar with a curry, nursing our sunburn.
Take a look at some of our photos from after the evening below.
We would like to extend our thanks to Skylark Country Club for having us. A special thanks goes to all our guests for attending and making the day excellent! Congratulations to those of you who won prizes and trophies!
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